In mere hours, MAM events will start in New Zealand and revolve around the world as we embark on the second March Against Monsanto. This cause has truly united the world! Over 400 cities in 57 countries will take place as we, the citizens of the world, say NO to poison! 3 million people will stand up for the food supply, the environment, and our planet's sustainability. Join an event near you and be a part of this moment in time: This will go down in history books and we would like to thank YOU for supporting a cause that is very much one of the most important of our lifetimes. We would like to express our deep gratitude for all at the national level. MAM has an awesome team that has spent countless hours working hard to make these events an international victory!! We would also like to give a very special thank you to all of our local organizers, whose hard work and selfless dedication has been instrumental in the global success of MAM.
We would like to give a very special thank you to Dr. Vandana Shiva and the Fortnight of Action For Seed & Food Freedom. Dr. Shiva has worked tirelessly for seed sovereignty and food freedom and it an honor to have her speaking at MAM London.
This time, MAM has teamed up with the Children of Vietnam Veterans Heath Alliance. Agent Orange, a deadly toxin manufactured by Monsanto, has destroyed the lives of millions. MAM has teamed up COVVHA to allow the survivors of this horror a platform to tell their stories. Never before will so many Children of Vietnam Veterans be speaking out at the same time, on the same day, about how Agent Orange has affected their health, and the health of their families.
As we set the course of history in motion, please keep in mind that the third March Against Monsanto is already planned for May 24, 2014. Get this information out there so we can all start building our events for Spring. Start promoting while you have an intrigued audience. Contact to set up an event for 5/24/14.
Please be mindful that MAM is a peaceful movement and there will be kids and the elderly in attendance. Have a good, safe time tomorrow!! Take lots of pictures that you can submit to the MAM facebook page.
The world will be watching tomorrow as we take a stand. We will not stand for poison. We will not stand for cronyism. And we thank you for standing up for what is right and marching against Monsanto.
"Believe with all of your heart that you will do what you were made to do."
-Orison Swett Marden
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-Orison Swett Marden
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March Against Monsanto - October 12th Worldwide. Find your local event #MAM #O12 @MarchAgainstM
— MarchAgainstMonsanto (@MarchAgainstM) October 11, 2013
Marching AGAINST anything is like the War on Drugs. Resisting is attracting more! If we know how to eat we must know how to speak and I will march towards whatever you want tomorrow but never against. (fear based and something monsanto would come up with because it doesn't work) Think about it. Thanks.